Higher Education Preparation

For specific questions about UCAS or university applications, Sixth Form students should first speak to Mr Wescomb (Director of Sixth Form), Mrs Griffin (Post 18 Coordinator) or Ms Stevens (Sixth Form Learning Mentor) in the Sixth Form Office.

Further education (FE) includes any study after secondary education that's not part of higher education (that is, not taken as part of an undergraduate or graduate degree). Courses range from basic English and maths to Higher National Diplomas ( HNDs ).  We have a selection of excellent colleges locally who offer a wide variety of courses.  Should any student wish to discuss courses at any of the below colleges, please contact Mrs Lovelace in the careers office.

Please also find below a list of helpful resources that can help students with researching their higher education options:

UCAS: All higher education (university) course applications are made through UCAS.

Which University: Useful website to research universities ad courses.

What Uni: Helps students find universities and courses using their University Comparison Tool.

Unistats: Lots of statistical information about Uni courses – allows students to compare courses.

Applying to Uni: News and advice about applying to Uni.

Student Finance England: Links to useful student finance sites.

Uni Taster Days: Up to date listings of Uni Taster Days. It is strongly recommended that students who want to go to University should attend at least two of these.

Russell Group Informed Choices: Entry requirements for Russell Group Universities.

Open Days: Up to date list of virtual University open Days.

The Scholarship Hub: Information about Scholarships, Grants, Bursaries and Financial Awards.


Studying Overseas:

Fulbright Commission: The starting point for information about study in the USA.

QS Top Universities: Information about overseas study worldwide.

The Complete University Guide for Overseas Study: This site has a dedicated area for students interested in study overseas