CGS Equestrian Club

We have a strong and active Equestrian Club and believe we are unique - the only state school to have one!  The club has been running for over fifty years and you can read about it here:

The ponies need daily attention – including Christmas Day!

Club Members share the care for the ponies as well as riding them, and members learn stable management, safe procedures, general care of the ponies and their tack, with regular tack cleaning undertaken at lunch time.  The school currently owns two ponies and one horse and has one horse and five more ponies on permanent loan.  Rides take place after school, at weekends and in the holidays.  There are opportunities to take part in sponsored rides as well as competing at shows.  There is also a wide programme of other activities and visit to Horse Shows.

Through taking part in the club activities members develop life skills such as organisation skills, time management, communication and team work.

The club is self-supporting with members and parents contributing towards keeping the ponies and organising fund-raising activities to subsidise costs.



Pony club