Welcome to the Sixth Form

Thank you for your interest in the sixth form at CGS.  We offer a broad range of subjects and welcome external candidates where we have spaces in subject combinations. Applicants should be aware that we can only run courses when it is viable to do so and some subjects are assessed on a year by year basis.

More information about the sixth form at CGS

Staff appreciate that starting out in the sixth form will be a challenge for most of you – the academic requirements are rigorous and the race to develop as independent learners will be fast-paced and sometimes exhausting.

Sixth formers face particular challenges: balancing the demands of the academic curriculum with part-time work, school and community service, extra-curricular activities and a decent social life.

You are now part of a community in which you are expected to play a full role. You are also beginning the process of developing your personal and academic confidence, your intellectual curiosity, your self-control and your capacity to co-operate and communicate with your fellow students and staff.

Communities survive and thrive only if those who are members accept that, alongside the rights and benefits they can derive from being a member, they also have responsibilities to ensure that the community grows, improves year by year and is able to be proud of the achievements of all of its members.

Sixth formers at Chesham Grammar School play an important part in determining the future of the school. While you are only in the sixth form for two years before you move on to the next stage of your life, you do have the opportunity to leave behind you a legacy for the next generation of sixth formers. Your actions, and interactions, help determine the character of the school.

Choosing to come to Chesham Grammar for your sixth form means that you have volunteered to follow our approach not only to academic study but also to how we approach the development of your attitude towards your fellow students, staff and the wider community. We hope that you leave us in two years’ time having gained excellent qualifications, increased maturity and a deeper understanding of what it means to be an adult citizen in this increasingly competitive world.

Director of Sixth Form: Mr Ben Wescomb







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