Headteacher's Newsletter
what's happening at Chesham Grammar
Head's Blog
Dear parent,
At the end of the first full week of school, I would like to commend your children for the way in which they have thrown themselves back into school life. It already feels as though we have never been away and I mean that positively! There is always a buzz of excitement as everyone returns after the long summer break and this has continued throughout the week. I have been into a number of lessons during the week and it has been a pleasure to see students enjoying their learning and equally joyous to see them enjoying being together on the field at break and lunchtimes. There have been sports trials every day after school with significant numbers of students taking part, enhanced by the glorious sunshine we have enjoyed. A busy extra-curricular sporting programme begins next week, details of which can be found here: Fixtures We have our first fixtures on Monday, with matches scheduled every evening after school. My thanks to Mr Pontin, our new Director of Sport and his colleagues in PE for getting this up and running so quickly. Details of other extra-curricular activities which are recommencing will be sent home to parents in the next week or so.
Important September information for parents
At the start of a school year, there is a good deal of information to share with parents and there are several links in my newsletter this week. Mr Bradbury has written to all parents with important messages and useful information about safeguarding and we would ask that you read this carefully (safeguarding letter & leaflet). There is also a letter from Mr Bradbury about Pupil Premium funding which is available to any child who is eligible for free school meals or who has been eligible at any point during the last six years. In many schools, parents do not take up this additional support and we would encourage anyone who has a child who is eligible to contact Mr Bradbury, as outlined in his letter (FSM Application Form). There is information from Mr Stoddern on how parents can create an account in GO4Schools, the online system we use to enable parents to see their child's progress data, achievement and behaviour points. Finally, please be aware that parents can now find homework timetables for Years 7-9 on our website here: Homework Timetables - Chesham Grammar School
The Friends of Chesham Grammar School
The FoCGS, our PTA, is very active and successful, raising over 40k a year for the school. The FoCGS even managed to do this during both school years in which there has been a lockdown which is quite remarkable. All parents are members of the FoCGS and I would ask that you read their newsletter and consider how you can support them. There are some very effective ways of raising money which are hassle and cost-free, such as ShopSmart which allows the FoCGS to earn commission on money we are all spending anyway on our supermarket shopping. I would like to thank the FoCGS for what they have already planned for this term, all of which is outlined in their newsletter.
Culinera: our new caterers
During the summer term, we went through a tender process for new caterers, following an incredibly disappointing year with our previous provider. Our new partner is Culinera, a small, local company. We are delighted to be working with them and the food now on offer is a huge improvement. There have been some initial teething issues and for the first couple of days, the queues were long, due in part to year 7s taking time to get used to the process and also to a till system which, to cut a long story short, needs to be replaced. This is scheduled to take place a week on Monday, 20th, and will speed up the process considerably. We will need to register students on the new biometric system in order to use the new tills and this will also be done on 20th September. We will need to ask for updated parental consent for some year groups; further details will follow.
Planting at CGS
During the summer, a group of parents and students spent time planting up a few areas around the school which will add some colour to the school site. You will know that last year we were able to create some additional covered seating areas, thanks to your very generous donations. During this process, one of our grassed areas was block-paved and we wanted to ensure that those grassed areas which remain are pleasant and colourful to look at. I am enormously grateful to Mrs Laura Lee, one of our parents, who very kindly donated her time and expertise, drawing up a design and a planting plan for us and overseeing the team of volunteers who came in to undertake the planting during the summer. The new plants are settling in well and it will be exciting to watch as they mature and add to our school environment. Mrs Lee has her own garden design company, Laura Lee Gardens https://www.lauraleegardens.com/ Thank you, Mrs Lee!
Well done to...
Congratulations to Oreoluwa in year 12 who passed her grade 8 violin exam with Merit over the summer holiday, following a number of delays to the exam over the last year. Krishan in year 9 also passed a music exam over the summer. In his case, it was grade 5 piano which he passed with Distinction. Finally on the music front, Kirtan, also in year 9, passed grade 6 in Indian drums TABLA and, having taken up piano just before lockdown in March 2020, has passed grade 2 with Merit. Well done to them all. Molly and Alicia, both year 9 students, are to be congratulated on their achievements in cricket and swimming respectively. Molly made her debut for Chesham Cricket Club Ladies in the summer, becoming a regular team member by the end of the season. She was presented with the club's Youth Award for her contribution to the team. Alicia competed in the South-East Regional Championships in August, coming away with a silver and a bronze. Overall, she finished 8th in 200m butterfly in her age group in England and 10th in Britain. Well done, girls.
CGS Table Tennis Centre
Over the years, the school has enjoyed great success in table tennis and on Monday 13th, there will be the opportunity for students to come along to try their hand at table tennis, with coaching from Table Tennis England qualified coaches. Sessions will run from 3.55pm to 5.20pm and from 5.30pm to 6.55pm. Numbers are limited to 18 per session. There is a small cost of £3 per session, payable at the beginning of each half term. Further information about the CGS Table Tennis Centre can be found under the 'sports' tab on our website and bookings for the sessions can be made here: https://bit.ly/3mXfKpI.
Fundraising for Charity at CGS
Every year our students raise a significant amount of money for a range of charities. Austen House will be leading Jeans for Genes Day next Friday 17th. There will be a mufti day and students can pay £1 to wear jeans and a top of their choice to school. We would ask that any clothing is appropriate for school.
A plea about parking
I know that many of our students are driven to school and I regularly make a plea to parents to drive and to park with care and consideration around the school site. If you enter the school site, please drive slowly, taking into account that there are hundreds of students arriving on foot or disembarking from school buses in that area. Please do not park in the school car park; this is for staff use only. We have had one or two mornings this week when staff have not been able to park because there have been parents sitting in their car with their child before the start of the school day and this has made for a stressful start for some of our staff! Students can be dropped at the front of school. Lots of parents choose to drop their child in one of the roads close to the school. If this is the case, please be considerate of our neighbours, with whom we try to maintain good relationships and do not park across anyone's driveway. Thank you.
Finally, please can I remind you to encourage your child to take a lateral flow test on Sunday. Any positive result should be reported via our school website. COVID-19 - Chesham Grammar School
With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,
Annmarie McNaney