Headteacher's Newsletter

what's happening at Chesham Grammar

Posted on: June 19th 2020

Head's Blog

Dear Parent,

Firstly, can I thank you for everything you are continuing to do to support your child during these strange times.  It is now thirteen calendar and ten school weeks since we closed our gates on March 20th.  I can remember watching the students leave that day and feeling disconcerted by the fact that I had no idea when I would see them again.  Had anyone told me on that day that it would be six months before we would all be able to return...well, I am not sure how I would have responded to be honest. I know that this has been a very difficult period for everyone and I thank you all once again for what you are doing.   At school, we continue to make decisions on how we can best respond to the ever-changing situation and we are constantly reviewing our plans as new government guidance is published.  This guidance comes daily and it often shifts the goalposts or throws something new and sometimes unexpected into the mix.  You may have read today that there is to be money available to help schools enable students to catch up.  This is really positive news though strange as it may sound, Headteachers know nothing more about this yet than you do!  We now await the guidance which will, hopefully, give us the detail we need so that we can work out what this means for CGS and our students and can plan accordingly.

It has been wonderful to see almost every one of our Year 10s this week.  Many of them have grown significantly since we last saw them and of course most have longer hair so in some cases, it took a second or two to recognise them!  I know from my conversations that for some, walking back through the gates was a strange feeling after such a long time away.  We really enjoyed seeing them and it was very useful to be able to touch base and to find out how they are in themselves and to have detailed conversations about their learning in each subject.  This information is now with Subject Leaders.  Listening to the babble of conversations between staff and students and seeing the genuine delight as tutors and tutees met up again was a welcome - if temporary - semblance of normality.  Next week, we have Year 12s in school and we are really looking forward to seeing them too for their sessions with subject staff.

Just a reminder that we are running an enrichment week during the week beginning 29th June.  Mrs Dax is putting the programme together and it will be sent out early next week.  It is very varied and impressive and I would like to thank the staff who have worked hard to devise a wide range of exciting activities to complement the curriculum and enrich the experiences of our students.  I am confident that there is something for everyone and that the students will gain a good deal from the week. 

Finally, just a reminder that all of PE kit as well as our uniform is now being sold by Hawkinsport. 

With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,

Annmarie McNaney