Headteacher's Newsletter

what's happening at Chesham Grammar

Posted on: January 27th 2023

Head's Blog

More baby news!

Congratulations to Mrs Horn who gave birth to a daughter, Moriah, shortly after midnight last Sunday. Mum and baby are both doing well.  Miss Sichla starts her maternity leave today and we wish her all the very best as she prepares for the birth of her first child.

CGS visits

On Monday, students studying A level History visited Westminster Abbey and enjoyed a tour of items of relevance to their study of Tudor history, many of which are not accessible to everyday visitors to the Abbey.  Thank you to Mrs Curtis for organising this. Next Thursday, students of GCSE Spanish in Year 11 are flying out to Madrid for a long weekend.  They will get obviously get the opportunity to speak some Spanish and will also soak up the culture. Thanks to Miss Occhionigro for arranging this and to the accompanying staff who are giving up their weekend.  Visits like these really enrich the curriculum and can help bring it to life and we are delighted that we are now able to offer them again.


Attached you will find a January update from The Friends of Chesham Grammar School. Last term, they raised over £12,000 for the school which will go towards the refurbishment of new student toilets later this year. There are some further events planned for this term, including a Bag2School collection next Thursday, 2nd February. This is an easy way to make money for the school while having a post-Christmas clear out so do support it if you can. Details are in the FoCGS information attached. 

Comedy Night

There will also be a comedy night on March 17th. I am delighted to see the return of this fantastic event which is always hugely popular. It sells out quickly so do look out for information about ticket sales. 

FoCGS needs you!

The FoCGS - our PTA - is hugely important to our school. As we are all aware, prices are rising rapidly (our electricity bill, for example, has risen fourfold in recent months) and added to this, schools have had an unfunded staff pay increase to cover. Our school budget was already tight before any of this was added!  The money raised by the FoCGS is therefore vital. It allows us to do things we know are vitally important for our students but that we simply cannot otherwise afford. The committee needs some new members to help make this happen; without them, the events will not take place and this additional income will be lost. Please consider joining the committee and come along to the meetings (dates in the flyer) if you can.  I look forward to seeing you there.  Thank you.

Bugsy Malone

We are very excited that the opening of our school show, Bugsy Malone, is now less than a week away. Huge thanks to the staff involved and well done to members of both casts who have been working very hard for many weeks. Tickets are still available for purchase via our website. On Tuesday afternoon, the show will be performed to huge numbers of children from local primary schools. They always thoroughly enjoy themselves and equally, our students enjoy the experience of performing to a hugely appreciative audience! 

Happy 12th birthday to...

...Edward, Michael and Binodh in year 7 with whom I met for birthday tea this morning.

Finally, a reminder that students in Year 13 return to lessons next week following their mock examinations and also that next Friday, 3rd February, is a training day for staff and students do not need to attend.

The PE and sport schedule for next week is attached.

With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,


Annmarie McNaney
