Headteacher's Newsletter

what's happening at Chesham Grammar

Posted on: July 2nd 2021

Head's Blog

Dear parent,

There was a palpable air of excitement as the students left school on Tuesday, ahead of the 5pm England match against Germany in the Euros and much replaying of key moments of the game on Wednesday and beyond. I know from talking to students today that many of them are looking forward to the game against Ukraine tomorrow and let's hope that the same air of euphoria is present when we next see the students on Monday!

Summer House sports

We have enjoyed a second week of House sporting competitions this week, with students playing softball, rounders, cricket and tennis. Again, it has been wonderful to see each year group in turn throwing themselves into this and enjoying themselves too. I do not yet have the final results but I can tell you that at the end of the third of four rounds yesterday, Franklin House was in the lead but only by one point so everything depends on the results from today.  I will Tweet these when I receive them from Mrs Maishman.  Thank you to the PE Department and to the Year 13s who came to help, especially Alex, Louis and Alexander who were here almost every day over the last fortnight, as was Lauren in Year 12, who was umpiring matches in between revision and her UCAS exams. Next week, we are holding our Sports Day, weather permitting. There have been significant changes to the way this usually runs, due to the current restrictions but we hope that once again, the students will compete for their House with characteristic enthusiasm and commitment and will also have some fun.

Friends of CGS

The Friends of Chesham Grammar School's prize draw closes today. Tickets can be purchased on ParentPay until the end of the day today so if you would like to support the school, please do remember to do this. The FoCGS are holding a non-uniform day on Thursday 15th July, the penultimate day of the year and they will also be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts at break time. They also have the option for parents to buy these by the dozen for £10 and this can be done via ParentPay. Orders need to be made by 6pm on Thursday 8th. While I mention ParentPay, those with a child in Year 13 have been contacted by the Finance Team about the balance on their child's account. Any balance can be transferred to another child in the school if you have one or can be donated to the Development Fund or refunded to you. Please let us know which you would prefer by July 12th. Thank you.

Changes to end of term events

This week, it has been confirmed that the date of the next step of the government's roadmap will remain as July 19th and will not be brought forward. This means that we are unable to hold our Year 13 leavers' event on what was our contingency date of Friday 8th. This is hard to take given the number of events taking place, e.g. Wimbledon and the Euros, which are being attended by thousands of people. We will, I promise, hold this event for our students and parents next term so that we can say 'goodbye' formally. We had also hoped to invite the Year 13 of 2020, whose school career was cut short by the closure of schools right at the start of the pandemic, back to CGS before the end of term. One other event all Bucks secondary schools have been advised not to hold is our induction day for new students, both those joining Year 7 in September and those planning to join Year 12. We are working hard to do what we can to welcome the students remotely, mindful of the fact they did not get to visit the school for Open Evening in September. 

Drop off and collection times

Please can I ask that parents do not use the school car park to drop off their child. This is for staff use only. Children can be dropped off at the front of school and we ask parents not to enter the site as far as possible as it is incredibly busy at the start and end of the day when hundreds of children are arriving or leaving. If you drop off or collect your child in a road near the school, please make sure you give due consideration to the local residents who are our neighbours.

COVID-19 reminder

As the number of cases nationally and in local schools rises significantly, please can I issue my weekly reminder to continue with twice weekly lateral flow testing? There has been a good deal in the news this week about what changes September might bring to guidance on how schools should deal with any positive cases but for the remainder of this term, the rules remain the same and all contacts of a positive case must be sent home to isolate for 10 days. 

Finally, a reminder that we finish for the term and the academic year two weeks today, on July 16th. I cannot quite believe where this year has gone!

With best wishes for a relaxing weekend,

Annmarie McNaney